Plash: tools for practical least privilege


Region-based memory management

See region.h

A lot of the memory management in Plash is done using regions. Regions work like this:

  1. You create a region. This allocates a medium-sized block (eg. 1k) initially.
  2. You allocate blocks from the region.
  3. You free the whole region. This frees all the blocks that were allocated from it.

Regions don't provide a way to free individual blocks in the region. This means that allocation is fast, because there's no fragmentation within a region. Deallocation is fast too, because all the blocks are freed in one step.

The main reason for using regions in Plash is convenience. Deallocation becomes much less of a burden, and is easier to get right, so the chances of memory leaks are reduced. If a complex structure is region-allocated, you don't need to traverse the structure to free each node individually.

Using regions works well when allocation and deallocation follow the structure of the function call tree: when a structure is not used outside of the function that allocates it or the parent of the function that allocates it. When this is not the case, and the amounts of storage allocated are large, regions are not so good.

Plash uses reference counting for storage management when regions are not appropriate.

It is possible to attach explicit finalisers to a region, so that when the region is free, other resources are freed, eg. file descriptors can be closed.

String handling

See region.h

Plash has some functions for handling strings of bytes, which are used for text and binary data. There are facilities for constructing strings, and decomposing strings.

The seqf_t type ("flat sequence") is a struct which represents a string stored contiguously in memory.

The seqt_t type ("tree sequence") represents a string that need not stored contiguously. It is a tree structure containing strings to be concatenated together.

You can concatenate seqt_ts using the functions cat2, cat3, cat4, etc. These all use a region to allocate nodes.

The flatten function turns a seqt_t into a seqf_t.

Object system

See filesysobj.h

Originally the object system was just used for file, directory and symlink objects, but I extended it so that references to objects can be exported to other processes using Plash's object-capability protocol. There are other kinds of object now.

An object reference has type "struct filesys_obj *". "cap_t" is an alias for this.


There are a number of methods defined. Every object supports all the methods. That is, it is valid to call a method on any object, even if the method isn't relevant to that object. If the method isn't relevant, it will return an error code (for those methods that can return error codes).

Every object contains a pointer to a vtable, which contains function pointers implementing the methods. This design is simple, but it means all the vtables need to be recompiled when we add new methods. Since the vtables are sparse (ie. most methods aren't relevant to a given object), we have a program, "", which generates the C code for constructing the vtables.

Reference counting

All objects have a reference count. To increment the count, use "inc_ref(obj)". To decrement the count, use "filesys_obj_free(obj)" (this will free the object when the count hits zero). Some references are owning references -- you are supposed to free them. Some references are non-owning -- they are "borrowed" from the caller.

The choice of whether a function argument is an owning or a non-owning reference is based on a trade-off between convenience and minimising the lifetime of objects. You have to look at the comments for a function to see whether its arguments are passed as owning or non-owning.


In order to make a method call across a connection using the object-capability protocol, the method's arguments must be marshalled -- converted into a string and an array of objects/FDs, and then converted back again at the other end.

Marshalled arguments are represented by "struct cap_args".

The most general methods are "cap_invoke" and "cap_call", which only use marshalled arguments. "cap_invoke" is send-only and asynchronous; it returns immediately and does not itself get a reply. "cap_call" is synchronous and returns a result.

The other methods call, or are called by, "cap_call".

For remote objects, other methods marshal their arguments and call "cap_call", which in turn calls "cap_invoke".

When local objects receive a remote request, "cap_invoke" handles this request and calls "cap_call", which unmarshals the arguments and calls the relevant method.

The reason the other methods exist is that they are more efficient to use for calls within a process, and they are more convenient.

For some methods, marshalling is not implemented, so these methods can't be used remotely.

Encodings for marshalling

In some cases, marshalling code is written by hand. This is how the methods for fs_op work at present.

The program generates marshalling code for other methods. It uses compact descriptions of a method's arguments, such as "mode/int leaf/string".

Documentation format: XXML, an XML surface syntax

I was writing the documentation in DocBook format, but I have switched to using HTML tags, with some Perl code to generate a contents page. In both cases, I have been using an alternative surface syntax for HTML/XML. I'm calling the new surface syntax XXML. (Let's say it stands for Extra Extra Medium Large.)

XXML is a bit more convenient than the usual XML surface syntax:

Here's an example:

{\tag attr={value}: body}
<tag attr="value">body</tag>

The curly brackets are a grouping construct which is independent from the tag. They introduces blocks. When a tag's attributes are terminated with a colon, the tag works greedily: it applies to all of the text up to the end of the block.

{\tag1: \tag2: body}

If you end a tag's attributes with a hyphen "-" rather than a colon ":", the tag consumes upto the end of the line. This is useful because no closing bracket is required.

\li- list item 1
\li- list item 2
\li- list item 3
  <li>list item 1</li>
  <li>list item 2</li>
  <li>list item 3</li>

Ending a tag with a tilde "~" will consume the following paragraph, ie. upto the next empty line.

\li~ blah

\li~ paragraph


Those last examples use the HTML tags "ul" and "li". DocBook has longer names for the same thing, "itemizedlist" and "listitem", and it also requires you to use "para" tags in the "listitem"s.

\listitem\para- list item 1
\listitem\para- list item 2
\listitem\para- list item 3
  <listitem><para>list item 1</para></listitem>
  <listitem><para>list item 2</para></listitem>
  <listitem><para>list item 3</para></listitem>

Note that

\listitem\para- text
is an abbreviation for
\listitem- \para- text

XXML provides some help in writing paragraphs, so you don't have to write "p" or "para" tags explicitly. The "ps" tag will treat empty lines in the input as paragraph breaks. It is expanded out by a postprocessor. This is similar to how you write paragraph breaks in TeX.

A paragraph.

Another paragraph.
<para>A paragraph.</para>

<para>Another paragraph.</para>

A tag without a body can be terminated with a semicolon ";".

\hr size=4;
<hr size=4>

The ">>" syntax is a way to write literal data without having to remember to quote backslashes or curly brackets.

  >>int main()
  >>  printf("Hello world!\n");
  >>  return 0;
<pre>int main()
  printf("Hello world!\n");
  return 0;

There is no special escape sequence for writing XML entities. A tag whose name begins with "E" is converted into an entity. It should not have attributes or a body. (Note that tag names are case sensitive.)


You can specify the literal characters '\', '{' and '}' by prefixing them with another backslash.